How to Make Money From Gaming

Video games aren’t just for fun anymore. Believe it or not, people are actually making money playing them in virtual and face-to-face competitions in schools, community centers and even arenas throughout the world. One of your favorite games might be paying the bills for some of today’s top professional gamers.


This player-versus-player game by Epic Games has become a cultural phenomenon that has addicted the world over the past year. It is flexible, allowing you to play alone, with a partner or as part of a squad. As the competition starts, players are dropped from a “battle bus” onto the game map. Your goal is to obtain the weapons and resources you need to survive while simultaneously striving to eliminate the players who are trying to kill you. As the game progresses, the boundaries of the “safe area” shrink, and players are forced to encounter each other in combat. The last player, duo or team remaining wins.

Entrepreneur and musician Nick Gross’ Fornite mentorship program is one way that Fortnite gamers can learn how to transform their love for video games into a lucrative career. The program matches aspiring career non-traditionalists with people who are already succeeding in the industry. The results can be a game-changer for everyone involved.


In this game that was released in January of 2018, you are Madeline, a character who is struggling to overcome your own anxieties and doubts as you go on a journey toward self-actualization. As you ascend to the summit of your simulated world, you overcome death and many other obstacles numerous times. Your success is a tribute to your tenacity. When you compete against others, you can even make financial gains.


This recent addition to the franchise is probably the most accessible. It’s a great way to immerse yourself into an addictive sandbox world of weapons and monster-slaying. Although it might take you a little while to figure out your weapons and combat strategy, either on your own or with a couple of friends, the dividends definitely pay off – not only in hours of fun but even financially.

As anyone who loves e-sports can tell you, video games can provide numerous opportunities. For one thing, they are fun and can be all-absorbing. Can you think of a better way to make it through a rainy day, for instance? In addition, they provide you with a great way to meet and get to know people from all over the world without ever needing to pay for a flight. Nowadays, they even furnish the most dedicated and motivated players with a chance to profit financially. For some, mastering a favorite game can even turn into a career